Singapore Startups List

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Meet 8 individual investor View everyone

ID 54309

Baljit Singh

Busy Daddy. Foodie. Singaporean. Technophile. Big Oil. Entreprenuer Wannabe. Angle Investor. Adrenalin Junkie.

ID 31856

Varun Chatterji


Co-founder of @tencube, the company behind WaveSecure, which was acquired by @mcafee in 2010. Now founder of @sent-ly -

ID 30568

Nicola Castelnuovo


MBA from INSEAD, Trader at Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore

ID 33593

Patrick Williamson

Consultant/advisor in SEA. Strong experience in Indonesia. @yahoo SEA, Norton and Cable ISP; product, BD, partnerships and marketing roles. INSEAD + Engineering

ID 46897

Glenn Goh

Seeking interested investors for South East Asian and North Asia regions in technology companies.

ID 2686

Toivo Annus


Former Head of Engineering at @skype. Mix of CS/MBA skills. I value practical progress, planning and released software. Based in Tallinn, occasionally in SG.

ID 126490

Gonzalo ALDAZ


Investor @i-vc | Shareholder @emailing-network | @reworld-media

ID 233628

Alex Ognev


Databases, big data, high performance.

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