Map of the local innovation industry. Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Singapore.
GPTs, personalized for you. Agency providing easy to use AI tools to small businesses.
We report Creativity and Innovation news daily. Named by Forbes as "Top Five Sites for Keeping up With Creativity and Design", DesignTAXI is a highly-influential daily news source with content further shared by leading media including The New York Times, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post and LinkedIn ...
Read smart. Connect smart. Get smarter. A centralised social platform for world’s written contents, where users can buy, connect, organise and share information – from anywhere, on any device, in any language.
Singapore's No. 1 Women's Website
Book preorders platform Publishizer is a book preorders platform, which offers publishing, printing and ebook services for authors. Success stories include: - Mobile Ready by Scott Bales, which funded $28K+ in preorders - The Lean Brand by Jeremiah Gardner and Brant Cooper, which funded ...
Collaborative Fiction Writing The main premise of Volpen is to produce commercially viable literary works with royalty sharing and joint ownership between contributing authors. Submissions are voted on per chapter, ensuring only the best written continuations to be included in the completed ...
FIRST EVER RADIO ON PRINT Brand owners and innovators of 1. IN10CITY (A Virtual nation in the state of mind) 2. 33.3 IM READIO (the first ever radiio on print) A breakthrough / renaissance and a revolution for the media / publishing industry, IN10CITY is all set to take the world by ...
I would like make Singapore more interesting place from within. Idea I would like to fill Singapore with the beauty from within. In order to do that I plan on opening in Singapore a typography and print out the works of truly talented artists, photographers, illustrators and other masters of visual art.