Singapore Startups List

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Meet 5 Managing Director View everyone

ID 754313

Sahyog Shishodia

Founder Talent Flush • Worked at @mitsubishi-corporation, @jacobs-engineering-group

ID 83116

Carmen Benitez

Founder @fetch-plus a top social media company to watch by TechCrunch. Named 1 of 5 Geek Girls to Watch in Asia by largest social network for women in tech.

ID 570592

David Yeng

Founder @janus-academy • Studied at @singapore-institute-of-management-university Worked at established schools. Now Reinventing education

ID 289606

Steve Price

Founder ikuramedia - the App Specialists and Angel Developers

ID 509362

Theo Vasileiadis

Global traveller and #entrepreneur.Addicted to giving and seeking advice on international expansion, #leadership, #strategy & #start-ups. Founder of

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